As recruiters, you have the incredible challenge of finding the right candidates for your organization, and Ikonwork Hire LOVES big challenges.
We are the world's first recruitment platform offering focused voice analysis that enhances accuracy in candidate screening, fitment, and background checks.
By analyzing underlying emotional reactions during HR interviews, this game-changing technology goes beyond what candidates say and what they sound they sound like, and uncovers their actual intentions, aptitude, confidence and personality traits, enabling you to make better decisions.
Ikonwork Hire has harnessed this comprehensive voice analytics technology, making its unparalleled/crisp insights HR-centric, sharp and accessible to HR professionals. You can access the Focused Voice Technology on the recruitment platform or independently for your new and existing hires.
Lastly, with advanced authenticity assessment capabilities, our solution enhances your company with an unobtrusive, invisible firewall - making sure that only the best and safest candidates join your ranks.